Green Mother : Families fit for the future


Green Mother is for those who want the best of both worlds – to reap the advantages of modern Western life but recognise and eschew its pitfalls. This book aims to give parents, would-be parents, grandparents, siblings and all members of ‘the Tribe’ that surround a new baby, the theoretical and intellectual imperatives to tread this difficult path, together with the practical day-to-day realities that must be overcome and the encouragement to do so.’

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Say the authors: ‘Modern Western life is eroding the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of our children so seriously that the very survival of our species is threatened. More children than ever are fat and fatigued, learning disabled and emotionally damaged and the responsibility lies with us. We are killing with kindness in an attempt to provide a stress-free, safe environment for our most loved.

Weight 0.378 kg

Sarah Myhill, Michelle McCullagh


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