• When Technology Fails : A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency, 2nd Edition


    There’s never been a better time to be prepared. “When Technology Fails is an indispensable basic manual for the real-life issues that await us in the decades to come. . . A treasure trove of practical wisdom.”―James Howard Kunstler.

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  • AlphaCurcumin: Super-Bioavailable Longvida Curcumin Complex


    This product contains 500mg of Longvida optimised curcumin together with 92mg of Boswellia Serrata, 80mg of Quercetin, and a blend of enzymes and algae in each 2-cap daily serving.

    AlphaCurcumin also contains no added binders, fillers or any other excipients, just undiluted, natural ingredients.

    Directions: Take 2 capsules a day, preferably at mealtimes, or as directed by a health practitioner.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • To Dye For : How Toxic Fashion Is Making Us Sick – and How We Can Fight Back


    Many of us are aware of the ethical minefield that is fast fashion: the dodgy labour practices, the lax environmental standards, and the mountains of waste piling up on the shores of developing countries. But have you stopped to consider the dangerous effects your clothes are having on your own health?

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  • Controligarchs : Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life


    Based on a mountain of financial filings, insider documents, and corporate records, Controligarchs rips back the curtain on never-before-published revelations about the life-altering schemes that globalist elites have in store for you. This book is a must-read for anyone who values American independence and personal freedom.

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  • Premier Magnesium by Premier Research Labs


    Magnesium Powder

    This product is a highly absorbable form of magnesium with added natural flavouring. It contains magnesium lactate, which is a bioavailable and digestable form of magnesium. It also has natural flavourings added to give it a refreshing watermelon flavour without added sugar.

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  • Canary In a Covid World: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World


    The thirty four contributors, the Canaries, to this collection of essays are courageous people. They are critical thinkers who are prepared to put everything on the line to speak their truth. They strive to alert us all to what COVID was, and what may lie ahead.

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  • Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective : Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life after Death


    Vaccination is a topic that has long divided opinion. Today, in view of Covid-19, that debate has become ever more polarized. Illustrated throughout with full-colour images, Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective deals with scientific facts, but also with research that requires spiritual-scientific methods.

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  • Lies My Gov’t Told Me : And the Better Future Coming


    A WALL STREET JOURNALNATIONAL BESTSELLER*AS SEEN ON TUCKER CARLSON TODAY AND THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE*A guide for the times breaking down the lies about COVID-19 and shedding light on why we came to believe them. When he invented the original mRNA vaccine technology as a medical and graduate student in the late 1980s, Robert Malone could not have imagined that he would become a leader in a movement to expose the dangers of mRNA vaccines that billions of people have received too often without being informed of the risks. For voicing opposition to the mainstream narrative, Dr. Robert Malone was censored by Big Tech and vilified by the media. But he continues to speak out and alert the world to the web of lies that we have all experienced.

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  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalitis and Long Covid THIRD EDITION: It’s mitochondria, not hypochondria


    Dr Myhill, supported by expert patient Craig Robinson, has fully rewritten and updated her book to include new insights throughout and new chapters on the PK diet, photodynamic therapy, micro-immunotherapy, ME and Long Covid, and the politics of CFS and ME.

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  • How Corrupt is Britain?


    Banks accused of rate-fixing. Members of Parliament cooking the books. Major defense contractors investigated over suspect arms deals. Police accused of being paid off by tabloids.

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  • World Without Cancer | G Edward Griffin


    Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in our modern diet. That substance is vitamin B17.

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  • Vax-Unvax: Let The Science Speak


    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do. Vax-Unvax: Let The Science Speak is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations.

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  • The HPV Vaccine On Trial : Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed


    A Groundbreaking Guide to the HPV Vaccine and the science, safety, and business behind it cancer strikes fear in people’s hearts around globe. So the appearance of a vaccine to prevent cancer-as we are assured the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will-seemed like a game-changer. Since 2006, over eighty countries have approved the vaccine, with glowing endorsements from the world’s foremost medical authorities.

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  • The Case against Fluoride : How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There


    When the U.S. Public Health Service endorsed water fluoridation in 1950, there was little evidence of its safety. Now, six decades later and after most countries have rejected the practice, more than 70 percent of Americans, as well as 200 million people worldwide, are drinking fluoridated water.

    The Center for Disease Control and the American Dental Association continue to promote it–and even mandatory statewide water fluoridation–despite increasing evidence that it is not only unnecessary, but potentially hazardous to human health. In this timely and important book, Dr. Paul Connett, Dr. James Beck, and Dr. H. Spedding Micklem take a new look at the science behind water fluoridation and argue that just because the dental and medical establishments endorse a public health measure doesn’t mean it’s safe.

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  • Practical Self-sufficiency : The complete guide to sustainable living today


    Embrace off-grid green living with this all-encompassing guide to self-sufficiency alongside Dick Strawbridge and his son James. Introducing Practical Self-Sufficiency, your new go-to survival guide offering step-by-step instructions on all things environment-friendly, jam-packed with tips and tricks for off-grid living to anyone looking to embrace a life of sustainability.

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  • The Bitcoin Standard : The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking


    A comprehensive and authoritative exploration of Bitcoin and its place in monetary history. When a pseudonymous programmer introduced “a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party” to a small online mailing list in 2008, very few people paid attention. Ten years later, and against all odds, this upstart autonomous decentralized software offers an unstoppable and globally accessible hard money alternative to modern central banks.

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  • Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon


    This comprehensive volume collects the findings of researchers who did a deep dive into the medical science of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • How to Starve Cancer… and Then Kill It with Ferroptosis | Jane McLelland


    After being given a terminal diagnosis with only a few weeks to live, Jane dug up research, some decades old, in her quest to survive. Rather than aiming to cure cancer, which in many cases is unachievable, Jane’s approach was to stop it growing. Remarkably her approach not only stopped it growing, it disappeared altogether. There are now clinics following her protocol, achieving remarkable successes.

    This book is a game-changing new dawn in the treatment of cancer. An international publishing sensation.

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