The Rise of the New Normal Reich


In this third volume of his Consent Factory Essays, C. J. Hopkins presents an unofficial history of the roll-out of the “New Normal” during the 2020-2021 Covid-19 pandemic, and an analysis of this new, pathologized-totalitarian ideology that has radically transformed societies around the world.

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From the proclamation of the “New Normal” and the initial propaganda blitzkrieg in March of 2020, and on through the global lockdowns, the suspension of constitutional rights, the mask mandates, the social distancing, the censorship, the segregation and persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” and, finally, the collapse of the official Covid narrative at the end of 2021, the essays in this volume comprise an “as-it-happened” record of how insane and totalitarian things got, and puts the madness into context. “No other prophet has described the strategies or predicted the perils of the emerging totalitarianism with such persistence and eloquence.” (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

Featuring popular essays like The Covidian Cult, The “Unvaccinated” Question, The Criminalization of Dissent, Manufacturing New Normal “Reality,” and a new introductory essay exploring the question of how nominally democratic societies around the world could be so suddenly and easily transformed into pathologized-totalitarian police states, the essays in this collection present “[a] searing (and therefore satisfying) chronicle of life in, and against, the locked-down, masked-up, triple-vaxxed madhouse of New Normal insanity.” (Max Blumenthal)

“[Hopkins] was one of the only people in English willing to do [that], and he did it with his trademark wit and bravado. He’ll be remembered as a signature chronicler of the ‘New Normal.'” (Matt Taibbi)

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C J Hopkins



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The Rise of the New Normal Reich 1The Rise of the New Normal Reich

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