• The Pfizer Papers : Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity | The WarRoom & DailyClout Pfizer Document Analysts

    RELEASE DATE: 30th January 2025

    The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers and edited by Naomi Wolf with Amy Kelly, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature.

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  • Gut and Psychology Syndrome | Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride M.D.


    Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia

    Written by a neurologist and nutritionist, Gut and Psychology Syndrome investigates the connection between nutrition and brain function and why today’s generation of children are experiencing the highest rates of learning disabilities and behavioural disorders.

    Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride believes the link between learning disabilities, nutrition, and the condition of our digestive system is critical, a position that is supported by the results of her work

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  • Tao Te Ching | Lao Tzu


    ‘Do you want to improve the world? I don’t think it can be done. The world is sacred. It can’t be improved. If you tamper with it, you’ll ruin it. If you treat it like an object, you’ll lose it.’

    Stephen Mitchell’s translation of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching (The Book of the Way) has sold over half a million copies worldwide. In this stunningly beautiful edition of the fundamental modern Taoist philosophy text, Mitchell’s words are set against ancient Chinese paintings selected by Asian art expert, Dr Stephen Little.

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  • How to Beat Bedlam in the Boardroom and Boredom in the Bedroom | Jane Gunn


    A Life Changing Guide to Happiness at Work and at Home

    • Understand how and why problems arise
    • Learn skills and techniques to resolve them
    • Enjoy the process
    • Life can be fun!

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  • Brain Fog – A True Story of Hope and Recovery by N. J. Robinson


    As a busy, working mum, Nic Robinson always considered herself healthy – until Covid struck. As a panicked country goes into its first lockdown, she heads into the spare room to begin what will turn out to be the fight of her life.

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