Showing 37–54 of 119 results

  • Books

    Herbal Antivirals, 2nd Edition : Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections


    Viruses are smart, mutating, and becoming resistant to antiviral pharmaceuticals. Global crises such as COVID-19, SARS, and dengue fever spread more quickly than we can develop medicines to fight them.

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    How Corrupt is Britain?


    Banks accused of rate-fixing. Members of Parliament cooking the books. Major defense contractors investigated over suspect arms deals. Police accused of being paid off by tabloids.

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  • Books

    How to Beat Bedlam in the Boardroom and Boredom in the Bedroom | Jane Gunn


    A Life Changing Guide to Happiness at Work and at Home

    • Understand how and why problems arise
    • Learn skills and techniques to resolve them
    • Enjoy the process
    • Life can be fun!

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    How To Heal Yourself When No-one Else Can


    Using energy therapy and emotional healing techniques, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can shows you how to love, accept, and be yourself no matter what. Energy therapist Amy B. Scher presents a down-to-earth three-part approach to removing blockages, changing your relationship with stress, and coming into alignment with who you truly are.

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    How To Quit Without Feeling S**T : The fast, highly effective way to end addiction to caffeine, sugar, cigarettes, alcohol, illicit or prescription drugs


    In-depth yet practical and accessible, HOW TO QUIT WITHOUT FEELING S**T, will allow you to understand why you feel the way you do, whether you have a dependency or have already given up but still feel lousy.

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  • Books

    How to Starve Cancer


    A modern-day ‘Cancer Sherlock Holmes’, Jane discovered that a cancer-starving diet, powerful supplements and a handful of old, forgotten, low-toxicity drugs, when taken together, acted synergistically, magnifying each of their anti-cancer effects many times. Like magic, her terminal cancer just melted away.

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  • Books

    How to Starve Cancer… and Then Kill It with Ferroptosis | Jane McLelland


    After being given a terminal diagnosis with only a few weeks to live, Jane dug up research, some decades old, in her quest to survive. Rather than aiming to cure cancer, which in many cases is unachievable, Jane’s approach was to stop it growing. Remarkably her approach not only stopped it growing, it disappeared altogether. There are now clinics following her protocol, achieving remarkable successes.

    This book is a game-changing new dawn in the treatment of cancer. An international publishing sensation.

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  • Books

    I Ching or Book of Changes: Ancient wisdom to inspire and enlighten


    ‘The I Ching’, or ‘Book of Changes’, a common source for both Confucianist and Taoist philosophy, is one of the first efforts of the human mind to place itself within the universe.

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  • Books

    Lies My Gov’t Told Me : And the Better Future Coming


    A WALL STREET JOURNALNATIONAL BESTSELLER*AS SEEN ON TUCKER CARLSON TODAY AND THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE*A guide for the times breaking down the lies about COVID-19 and shedding light on why we came to believe them. When he invented the original mRNA vaccine technology as a medical and graduate student in the late 1980s, Robert Malone could not have imagined that he would become a leader in a movement to expose the dangers of mRNA vaccines that billions of people have received too often without being informed of the risks. For voicing opposition to the mainstream narrative, Dr. Robert Malone was censored by Big Tech and vilified by the media. But he continues to speak out and alert the world to the web of lies that we have all experienced.

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  • Supplements

    Lugol’s Iodine Solution – 7% and 15% Concentration


    Provides immune system support 

    Lugol’s Iodine (also known as Lugol’s Solution) was developed by French physician J. G. A. Lugol, who first made the mixture of iodine and potassium iodide in water as an antiseptic and disinfectant. Since then, it is considered the safest source of the element iodine — important for optimum thyroid function and for blocking out unhealthy forms of iodine.

    Ingredients: Distilled water, iodine, potassium iodide. (Contains no additives.)

    Available size: 50mL in both 7 and 15% concentrations

    Suggested use: Apply 1-4 drops onto the skin for transdermal use. (Dropper is included separately). Only take internally after consulting a healthcare professional.

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  • Supplements

    Medpro Curcumin Combi


    Medpro Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory & antioxidant nutrient.

    Medpro Curcumin Combi is a highly bioavailable curcumin complex with added Resveratrol, an antioxidant.  It also has added Resveratrol which is another powerful antioxidant used to synergise with the curcumin.

    Medpro Cucurmin Combi is a professional product developed and tested by the Aeskulap AG clinic in Switzerland.

    Directions: Take 2 capsules twice daily with water before breakfast and dinner (4 capsules in total per day), or as directed by your health practitioner.

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  • Supplements

    MycoNutri Cordyceps ORGANIC


    Strain of Cordyceps sinensis grown in ideal conditions

    Organic Cordyceps mushroom supplement by MycoNutri is derived from authenticated wild Cordyceps sinensis collected in Tibet and then crossed with other Cordyceps strains. This produces a very potent Cordyceps mushroom supplement with exceptionally high levels of Cordycepin and other related nucleoside derivatives. Organic cordyceps are nutritionally used to stimulate the immune system.

    Directions: Adults take 2 capsules 1-3 times a day as a dietary supplement, or as recommended by your health professional.

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  • Supplements

    MycoNutri Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) ORGANIC


    Hericium erinaceus is high in protein, beta-D-glucans and ergosterol

    MycoNutri’s Lions Mane has the highest protein levels of any mushroom as well as beta-D-glucans and ergosterol. The finished product contains a full spectrum of active metabolites, including beta-glucans and other polysaccharides, phytosterols (including ergosterol – provitamin D2), proteoglycans and cyathane derivatives (especially erinacines). Organic Lion’s Mane is an ideal mushroom supplement for immune system support.

    Directions: Adults take 2 capsules, 1-3 times a day as a dietary supplement, or as recommended by your health professional.

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  • Supplements

    MycoNutri Red Yeast Rice Complex


    Red Rice Yeast Complex provides many health benefits, including helping maintain healthy cholesterol.

    Red yeast rice is the product of growing a special yeast (monascus purpureus) on a rice substrate. This yeast is a bright purple red and has been used in Chinese medicine (where it is called Hong Qu Mi) and in Asian cuisine for centuries.

    Red Yeast Rice (RYR) has many health benefits, the most salient of which is the helping us to maintain healthy cholesterol. This is supported by many studies, and these benefits are believed to be largely due to the monacolin, isoflavones, unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols found in Red Yeast Rice.

    This supplement is also great for vitality and helping to reduce muscle fatigue, and can help reduce oxidative stress.

    In the Myconutri Red Yeast Rice supplement, the Monascus purpureus is standardised to 1.6% Monacolin K (citrinin-free) and this is optimized with eritadenine-containing Shiitake mycelial biomass. The result is a powerful synergy of mushroom benefits. Each capsule also contains 50mg of CoenzymeQ10 to avoid possible depletion of this vital nutrient.

    Directions: Adults take 1 capsule, 1-2 times a day, ideally before food, or as your health professional advises.

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  • Supplements

    MycoNutri Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) ORGANIC


    Reishi is recommended as an adaptogen and immunomodulator

    Organic Reishi mushroom supplement by MycoNutri contains over 100 triterpenoid compounds, including gonoderic and lucidenic acids. This leading brand of Reishi combines hot-water (polysaccharide rich) and ethanolic extracts of log-grown (Duan Wood) Ganoderma lucidum to deliver high levels of both polysaccharides and triterpenes. It contains 15% Beta-Glucans and 4% Triterpenes, and is organic.

    Directions: Adults take 2 capsules, 1-3 times a day, ideally before food, or as your health professional advises.

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  • Supplements

    Natto NKCP® Nattokinase


     Japanese food Natto in tablet form

    Natto NKCP® is an extract of enzyme Natto Bacilli Culture and is a food supplement produced from natto fermented soybeans. Natto is consumed widely in Japan and for many centuries has been regarded as beneficial to health, particularly the heart and vascular system. This natto extract, similar to nattokinase, concentrates the beneficial compounds in natto, delivering the benefits of natto in a tablet.

    Directions: For normal health maintenance, the recommended intake is 1 – 2 tablets (250mg in total) per day with water after the evening meal, or as directed by your health practitioner. (Tablets are small and easy to swallow.)

    Please note that if you are on blood thinners, you should consult your doctor before taking supplements derived from natto.

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  • Books

    Outsmarting Coughs, Colds and Flu – Digital Download


    *** Digital Download Edition – A link to download will be provided upon completion of checkout *** 


    Introducing our guide to Outsmarting Coughs, Colds and Flu! This important body of work was time and resource heavy to create and by purchasing your copy you are contributing to help and support our ongoing work.

  • Books

    Paleo-Ketogenic: The Why and the How: Just what this doctor ordered


    Find out how to clear out chronic infections and toxins and what to expect while doing so. Pick and choose from a selection of delicious low-carb whole-food recipes that will provide a high level of nutrients in the right balance. Just do it!

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