The Accountability Deficit : How ministers and officials evaded accountability, misled the public and violated democracy during the pandemic


Written by Molly Kingsley, Arabella Skinner and Ben Kingsley, executive members of the campaigning organisation UsForThem, this book forensically exposes how UK Ministers and senior government officials were repeatedly able to make poor quality policy decisions during the pandemic period with only limited scrutiny and too often with catastrophic consequences for the lives of millions.

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In The Accountability Deficit : How ministers and officials evaded accountability, misled the public and violated democracy during the pandemic, the authors have meticulously evidenced how ethics, good governance, truth, integrity and transparency were grossly compromised during the pandemic period, and how these factors and a deficit of accountability created the conditions for what fast became an economic, social, medical, ethical and child safeguarding disaster.

Danny Kruger MP provides a powerfully candid afterword.

Weight 0.368 kg

Molly Kingsley


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The Accountability Deficit 1The Accountability Deficit : How ministers and officials evaded accountability, misled the public and violated democracy during the pandemic

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