The Death of Science : The retreat from reason in the post-modern world


SCIENCE IS ON ITS DEATH BED Lies, specious argument and fraud abound in a variety of scientific endeavours including the treatment and vaccines for Covid-19. Managers and politicians have taken over where previously the scientists were in charge.

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They have been able to utilise the bizarre language and contradictory processes of political correctness, making themselves into the high priests of a new religion, one which spawns more politically correct managers and despises experts, but there is hope and possible answers are proposed.

Recent tragedies have pinpointed how managerial and political control do not advance the pursuit of knowledge. This book analyses the ways in which science has been undermined in areas as diverse as medicine, archaeology, climatology, cosmology and physics.

Weight 0.540 kg

P. Goddard, Angus G Dalgleish



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