• TriField® TF2 EMF Meter


    If you need to know your exposure to different EMFs, the TriField® TF2 EMF Meter can be used as:

    – an AC gaussmeter
    – an AC electric field meter
    – a radio frequency meter (for detecting levels around mobile phones, WiFi, etc.)

    The TriField® EMF Meter combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields (EMF). And along with standard AC measurement modes, it has a special frequency-weighted mode that will properly scale the magnetic and electric measurements to indicate the full magnitude of currents produced by each type of field inside the human body.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • PRL Max B-ND (Vitamin B Complex)


    Full spectrum, end-chain, naturally sourced, liquid Vitamin B-Complex.

    Max B-ND is a naturally-sourced, whole food, probiotic cultured, end-chain liquid Vitamin B complex.

    This product is manufactured by predigesting food plants, herbs and spices in a proprietary probiotic culture that has been modelled on the human intestinal tract. This preparatory process and the fact that the product remains in liquid form makes the Max B-ND complex vitamins extremely bioavailable because they have been produced in a “food state”, and the product includes methylated forms of these vitamins, an important consideration for the large percentage of people who are not able to utilize (methylate) B vitamins properly.

    Directions: Shake gently before use. Adults and children (12 years and over) take 2.5ml (half a teaspoon) mixed in 60mL of water or juice. Children (aged 4-12) should only take half this amount mixed in 30mL of water or juice. Refrigerate after opening.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Augmented NAC – Potentiated NAC for Effective Detox


    Potentiated N-acetylcysteine for immune support.

    Augmented NAC is an immune supportive supplement that has undergone a proprietary process to magnify the benefits of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), making it superior to standard NAC.

    This brand of NAC has been manufactured using a proprietary method that enhances the potency of the N-Acetylcysteine, producing what is called Augmented NAC. This supplement, with its elevated potential, is ideal for enhanced immune support.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Y-Fry Radiation Protection Router Bag


    Quickly and easily reduce your exposure to the radiation emitted by your WiFi router while retaining WiFi access with this router protection bag.

    Simply place your router inside the bag and pull the drawstring closed. If you find your access is too weak, you can open the drawstring enough to allow a stronger signal.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Anti-Radiation Phone Pouch – BlocSock X Large


    The BlocSock Phone Pouch is an effective tool for shielding from smartphone radiation, reducing Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) by 96% and providing protection against electromagnetic fields.

    The pouch has shielding on one side only* – this is the side that should be positioned between your body and your phone screen (as per instructions), whether you’re carrying the phone on you or holding it to your head. The unshielded side enables the phone to work as usual.

    Size: 17 x 10 cm

    * Please note that these are NOT Faraday cases for phones which cut out the signal. The BlocSocks are designed to protect the user, while allowing the phone to function normally.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Medpro Curcumin Combi


    Medpro Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory & antioxidant nutrient.

    Medpro Curcumin Combi is a highly bioavailable curcumin complex with added Resveratrol, an antioxidant.  It also has added Resveratrol which is another powerful antioxidant used to synergise with the curcumin.

    Medpro Cucurmin Combi is a professional product developed and tested by the Aeskulap AG clinic in Switzerland.

    Directions: Take 2 capsules twice daily with water before breakfast and dinner (4 capsules in total per day), or as directed by your health practitioner.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • EMF Protection Beanie – WCH


    Protect your head from electromagnetic radiation in your environment by wearing this EMF-shielding beanie.

    While it looks like a regular beanie, it comes with an inner lining made of silver-woven EMF-blocking fabric.

    One size.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • WCH Faraday Backpack


    This dual-purpose backpack is lined with EMF-blocking fabric, so when you’re out and about, you can protect yourself from the EMFs created by your devices while keeping your data safe from thieves. For peace of mind, put your phone, laptop/tablet, car keys, and bank cards inside the Faraday backpack and tighten the drawstring.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • WCH Faraday Tote Bag


    Protect yourself from the EMFs emitted by your devices while protecting your data from thieves when out and about with this dual-purpose RFID-shielding bag. Simply place your laptop, phone, or tablet inside the bag (which is lined with EMF-blocking fabric) and zip it up for peace of mind.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Natto NKCP® Nattokinase


     Japanese food Natto in tablet form

    Natto NKCP® is an extract of enzyme Natto Bacilli Culture and is a food supplement produced from natto fermented soybeans. Natto is consumed widely in Japan and for many centuries has been regarded as beneficial to health, particularly the heart and vascular system. This natto extract, similar to nattokinase, concentrates the beneficial compounds in natto, delivering the benefits of natto in a tablet.

    Directions: For normal health maintenance, the recommended intake is 1 – 2 tablets (250mg in total) per day with water after the evening meal, or as directed by your health practitioner. (Tablets are small and easy to swallow.)

    Please note that if you are on blood thinners, you should consult your doctor before taking supplements derived from natto.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Womandla! Women Power!


    Rolene Miller registered Mosaic, Training, Service and Healing Centre to empower abused women, and like a Mosaic ‘to put the broken pieces of their lives together and make their lives more beautiful,’

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  • Anti-Radiation Earphones


    These innovative anti-radiation earphones from iBrain are a fantastic option for people who value superior sound quality and healthier technology.

    The air tubes and EMF-blocking advanced copper wiring in their design mean that the sound is delivered to the ear through sound waves in the air as opposed to wires in traditional earphones, which massively reduces the EMFs travelling through the earphones to the ear.

    Colour: white

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Premier Vitamin C by Premier Research Labs


    100% natural botanical Vitamin C formula.

    This product is a 100% natural botanical Vitamin C food supplement without synthetic ascorbic acid or calcium ascorbate.

    Premier Vitamin C is a plant-derived Vitamin C that contains no artificial ingredients. It combines naturally derived Vitamin C along with natural bioflavinoids and many other nutrients that potentise the Vitamin C and help it to maximally absorb into the body.

    Directions: Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily or as directed by a health professional.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • Ecological Medicine, 2nd Edition: The Antidote to Big Pharma and Fast Food


    This is Dr Sarah Myhill’s comprehensive guide to health care for health practitioners and motivated patients alike – armed with this knowledge, wellness and an optimal health-span should be within our grasp and the grasp of all those we care for.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • The Book on Masks : Your Comprehensive Guide to the Manipulative Psychology, Malformed Philosophy, and Misrepresented Science that Supercharged a Global Hysteria


    What drove people all over the world to wear masks for so long starting in 2020? It wasn’t just the mandates.

    Delve into all aspects of the worldwide mania for face coverings.

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  • Green Murder


    It has never been shown that human emissions of the gas of life drive global warming. Large bodies of science that don’t fit the narrative have been ignored by IPCC, COP and self-interested scientists paid by taxpayers.

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  • The Pfizer Papers : Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity | The WarRoom & DailyClout Pfizer Document Analysts

    RELEASE DATE: 30th January 2025

    The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers and edited by Naomi Wolf with Amy Kelly, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

  • PANDEMIC : Plagues, Pestilence and War: a personalised history


    A frank and amusing account of pandemics including covid-19. This book is incredibly timely …..The author has the surprising ability to grab the readers interest……..simultaneously informative and amusing.** — From the foreword by Professor Angus Dalgleish.

    *Import duties may be charged if outside the UK

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